Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thanks for the birds...

One of my favourite scenes from the week was watching four lanes of traffic get stopped during rush hour to let some geese cross the road. I too had to stop. As I waited, I watched the drakes keeping watch over the young ones. And I looked at the faces of those in the cars who were waiting for the 50 or so birds waddle on at their own unhurried pace. It amused me to do that.

For the most part, there was joy on those faces. The farther away the cars stretched, the drivers grew more anxious - some strained to see what was going on. Others just waited patiently for the traffic to clear. I prayed for each person as my eyes fell on them, and then for those in the cars more off in the distance. "Bless them Lord.."

It took me a minute to recognize that mine was one of those smiling faces. I was late for work in a very busy week. Pressed. Again. But so taken by the moment that I forgot the next thing, and just enjoyed being. My heart welled up with thanks as I was reminded by Jesus, not to forget Him as I started off into my day.

It's easy to get caught up in things. I do it often. But far better to be caught up in moments of just being present, with Jesus. In a minute, I'm going out to catch the sunset in one of my favourite places. Enjoy the few moments left of the sunshine today. Feel the warmth on my skin. Breathe in an unhurried pace....and give thanks.

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