Monday, November 1, 2010

All Saints Day

I have enjoyed following the liturgical calendar for many years. But I'm finding new meaning today in the celebration of the Eucharist and the note on the calendar that declares this day as a celebration for all saints - for the known and unknown who are now at rest.

On a day when I'm reading about the lives of precious women and men of God, and how they committed themselves to following the Way, I'm pressed again by how easy it is to be consumed with our daily mundane lives.

And I wonder how the saints lived in the small moments of their day. Were they feeding the sick and tending to the poor, as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta? Were they reading the scriptures and pondering on their meanings? Did they simply look up from tending the chickens and cows to notice the changing of the seasons? Did they leave those simple tasks to make their way to a church or a small grove, and offer up their songs of praise to the Creator of Heaven?

And then, as quickly as my mind lingers onto such lofty thoughts, with a sip of coffee, and a 'ping' on my computer, I'm consumed by the mundane and busyness of daily life.

Perhaps contemplation is best left to those who do not find technology so amusing :)

So, in an effort to make today a bit more productive, between finishing some laundry and writing a few emails, I'll try to find some good walking shoes and also try to take in an evening mass.

Humble prayer, hopefully. And a celebration, with thanksgiving, in the communion of the saints - on a special day of their remembrance.

May we pray for unity and also for renewal in Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time to start again

Hello all :)

It's interesting to see how quickly the time goes. Last year had so many incredible changes for me. I am also realizing how contemplative I become when I'm going through changes and inner healing. I literally 'cocoon'. And when I realize that, then I smile and remember that I really should write and post some of the important moments along the way.

In the last year, I've changed just about everything, except for my home... and there are many long lists of unfinished projects with my home as well. Sorting through and eliminating SOME of the clutter is fairly high on that list. The only other constant is my love of Christ. And yet there have been many deeply painful and beautiful moments of growth with my understanding of His love for me.

It's been an incredible year. Overwhelmingly beautiful. Full of prayer, travel, fellowship, and friends. Including a couple of visits from dear friends who haven't minded the messiness of my home. It is so nice to be loved, even in the chaos of everyday life.

Thank you Sandra - for finding this blog and leaving an encouraging comment. Through you, I'm reminded again of the little promptings that have become louder and louder to 'start again'.

And so - here it is, my first post in over a year.

I am thankfully emerging from my cocoon. My wings are still a little wet, but they will dry, and soon, I will fly again.

Blessings all!