Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mists on the River

There are a few spots near my home were I feel most at peace. When I'm longing to hear from the Lord, I often go for a drive to one of these places. Before long, I find myself sitting by a river. Sometimes I skim stones. Sometimes I just get quiet and listen to the birds and insects, and the sound of the river. And when I'm settled, I pull out a bible and pray. This picture was taken near one of those spots, on a very grey day.

Spring storms have stirred up a lot this year. But I still enjoy watching the rains, the lightning, and the mists on the river. In those precious wild gardens, I often feel like I've wandered into a secret place. And within minutes, the crush of the busy work day melts away. Soon, without much prodding....I find myself speaking words of praise to Jesus. I begin to thank him for giving me eyes to see this splendor.

Even with grey days, where the vibrant colours of summer are swallowed up in the mist, I am amazed at what we can take in when we stop for just a moment and ask, "Lord, what is here that you want me to see? Who was here or will be here? What do you want to say? Is there something you want to teach me? " Amazingly, Jesus responds. (He says he will, but it still amazes me).

Sometimes it's just a simple response. And yes, sometimes there is silence. But even then, I have learned just to enjoy the walk and see creation. These days, when I stop to examine even simple blades of grass, with their weak seeds and shallow roots, I am humbled that they know how to worship without effort. Simply being what they were created to be...blooming where they are planted.

I am not someone who worships creation. I worship the Creator, the Holy God of Israel. Not because His works are beautiful, but because of the incredible love that brought all of this into being. And that He gave me personally, eyes to see all of this... and to see Him in all of this as well.

Psalm 97

I pray that you, precious reader, will find places to get still. Where you can look around you, even on grey, or crushing days, and find peace. May Jesus speak to your heart, whisper through creation, and bring you joy.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

mmm... so glad for those moments by water... looking forward to sharing more...