Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shalom....this 'black September'.

It's been an exciting time in the markets this year. All kinds of interesting rumours, and even more interesting polical commentary. Even so, the days tick buy and fear takes over revealing what is underneath the capital structures that support our economies.

So Sept 29, Rosh Hashahah and the day to mark 'Black September'. Has me thinking about what the year will bring, both to our finances, and our families.

For me, I'm not worried...but I am curious...and it will be an interesting winter.

Happy New Year.
& many blessings.

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Time...

Seasons always get me thinking of how quickly time keeps passing....but this phrase: "it's time" has been present with me a lot these days, for most of the year actually. And throughout the last 8 years, if my story was told in full.

Here are some of the interesting moments this week where those words are catching my attention:

  • times for my flight to see friends this weekend
  • some friends saying 'it's time' to get married
  • my schedule for implementing a project that keeps slipping at work, the ever present...'tick tick tick' with getting everything done...
  • that it was time to replace my garage door (thankfully the door didn't hit me or my car)
  • that it's time to deal with certain family matters
and perhaps the most profound, from today...

I was talking with my mom about my uncle. He's quite ill (bone cancer). We're hoping he sees his birthday (Oct 2) and is well enough for visitors with those who know him well. The funeral arrangements have been made....and even the death certificate is filled out. The only missing piece of information is the final date and the time...and of course the appropriate signatures.

All of that has me thinking and praying again...

Our time here is so fleeting. So, I pray you make the most of each day, and each moment, with each friend and loved one, including Jesus.

And if lately, you haven't made time for your friends, or Jesus...

It's time.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


It's hard to think when you gasp for air. Not if certain you know what that is like, but it isn't fun. It's something I've struggled with for many years.

I used to get quite worried when I would have trouble breathing, so sometimes the inability to think clearly is a blessing when I have those troubles now. I don't worry. I don't even try to really think. At best, I just focus on what little air gets into my lungs and marvel at how the body turns oxygen into a life force....in and through our blood stream.

Many days, breathing is a conscious effort for me. Yesterday however, with the change in season it seems, I surprised myself because I realized I wasn't having to think about it. Something had changed at one point during the day and I could just breathe....so good.

I don't want to take gifts for granted...but it is truly a blessing not to have to think about such a simple task. It really frees up the mind (and body) to focus on other things.

Hoping for more of the same today.

Isa. 49.9-13

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prayer for today....ccc1091

Holy Spirit, teacher of prayer,
you lead us to pray in thanksgiving
for the Father's countless blessings;
you help us to respond with our
own blessings of thanks and praise.

Spirit of the promise,
you prepare us to meet Jesus in the liturgy,
awakening faith, peparing hearts to be fertile soil
where good seed can take root.

Spirit of truth,
you make God's word come alive for us,
unfolding its meaning and significance
so that it becomes an encounter with the living Word,
Jesus, in whom we see the Father.

Breath of life,
you breathe life into every liturgical celebration
so that it becomes what it represents,
and we are made participants, not spectators,
in the saving mysteries.

Spirit of Christ,
you gather God's scattered children together into
the one Body of Christ.
you live in us as a burning flame of love
to help us offer our lives as a living sacrifice
and bear lasting fruit in your service.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

praying...over milk...

I spent some time at a small dairy farm over the weekend. It was amazing actually. I have always loved walking among the cows in the fields. Fun to see them also in the barns. Cows, are quite curious.....

Even as wonderful as it was to take a break at the farm, it was hard not to think of the mom's and dad's and the little ones in China. Praying for those families... and the leaders making all the decisions as well.

13,000 and counting...

For much wisdom, peace...tonight, and in the days to come.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy new year...(in September)

September is my 'new year'. For a lot of reasons. But every year, for as long as I can remember, something happens when I smell ripening apples on the wind and see the cornstalks start to yellow. My whole body quickens when I see the fullness in the fields and begin to anticipate the harvest. It becomes the time for me to review the year that is passing, and plan for the next.

Tonight, my eyes were filled with these things: the harvest moon, the chill in the air, a few stressed trees that already burning brightly (about a month or so before the others give up their green), summer flowers slowly fading, and harvest flowers that just beginning to bud.

Being in the garden tonight was beautiful....and daunting.

I didn't get to tend my roses this summer, so they are very overgrown. The buds are still quite full on some of them. The butterfly bushes are almost finished but they are still full of bees, and butterflies....monarchs just finishing up their season. Hummingbirds have long since flown away. The ladybugs haven't quite begun their march....

There is a quiet hush that comes into my spirit when I step into my backyard. I can spend hours there. Just listening to the hum of creation in the tiny garden that is 'mine'.

I'm no green thumb - that's my mom's role when she drops by once a week. She helps me manage what I can't seem to get done. All but the roses. And this year, they are too much for either of us.

September is time to start making plans for next year. What do we transplant? How do we prepare for the winter? What kind of flowers do we want for spring? and when is the best time to plant those bulbs? What's in the forecast? And what busyness is on the calendar? The good news is that plants are very forgiving when we don't quite get it right....

So, it's in that rhythm of planting during the harvest that captures my spirit.

Patterns of sowing and reaping.
Planting while harvesting.
Planning the next season,
while taking in the beauty of the present.

And the sweet smell on the wind,
is one of change...

They all blend to make me ask this question, from a place that in my heart that is more real than I'm used to really saying... yes Lord, what is your will?

Usually, it's just then that my eyes turn upward and I see birds inverting their spring formations as they gather before nesting at dusk. Flying in circles for the time being, but many will soon be on their way to warmer places. Until then, their evening dances catch my attention...and I enjoy their company.

So, tonight, I'm thinking 'new year' thoughts. I'm not certain how well I've walked out this past year. But I'm thankful for the deep moments with friends, family...and especially with Jesus.

As I look forward, I'm again seeking change.
There is just so much more to life.

So much more to learn.

SO much for to give thanks.
And I'm praying that as this next year arrives, I'll find new joy, and new hope.
... and new dreams.

Psalm 103

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Far away places...

These kids were such a joy to be with. It's been a couple of years since I've heard their laughter now. It's actually been a couple of years since I've been in any class room.

I miss it.

It's hard to admit that.

I've been waiting for a friend to arrive from Africa for a while now. It's still several weeks before she arrives and I will only get a very short time with her while she is here. But anticipating her visit has me thinking about some other travels and school rooms I've been blessed to see in full swing. She has been building a school for nearly 10 years, and it opened last year. It is my dream to go there and see the kids. Maybe even try my hand at the blackboard again...even if just for a season.

Maybe next year.

In the meantime, these are some of the kids who are on my heart... precious girls in Indonesia. Thanks to corporate sponsorship, this school is doing very well.

That model is something that has me thinking. How can we do get more corporations adopting and funding schools? It seems to work so well for those who are fortunate enough to attend one of these schools.

Just thinking, and hopefully praying more about this tonight.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

September 5, 2008 (1910-1997)

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the tiny woman recognized throughout the world for her work among the poorest of the poor, was beatified October 19, 2003.

Her love knew no bounds. Nor did her energy, as she crisscrossed the globe pleading for support and inviting others to see the face of Jesus in the poorest of the poor. In 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. On September 5, 1997, God called her home.

She has earned the right to be called blessed. May we learn from her, her heart and also from the words she's left us.

(Mother Teresa composed this prayer for the United Nations International Year of the Family)
"Heavenly Father, you have given us a model of life in the Holy Family of Nazareth. Help us, O loving Father to make our family another Nazareth where love, peace and joy reign. May it be deeply contemplative, intensely Eucharistic and vibrant with joy. Help us to stay together in joy and sorrow through family prayer. Teach us to see Jesus in the members of our family especially in their distressing disguise. May the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus make our hearts meek and humble like His and help us to carry out our family duties in a holy way. May we love one another as God loves each one of us more and more each day, and forgive each other's faults as You forgive our sins. Help us, O loving Father to take whatever You give and to give whatever You take with a big smile. Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us. Holy Guardian Angels be always with us, guide and protect us. Amen."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hard to imagine the distance of 18 years.


Life is so brief, and so frail.
May we all choose to live more freely and fully...