Sunday, August 23, 2009

A regular Sunday.

It's been a very wet summer. It was a nice way to wake up, listening to the rain. Smelling the breeze. Actually, I could almost taste it. My backyard is in full bloom with butterfly bushes and lavender. My roses are still managing though I've neglected them this year, and the Rose of Sharon my mom planted has pretty purple flowers. I breathed in the deep fragrance of summer before I stumbled into my day.

There is much work to be done around the house, both inside and out. So I needed to make a decision - spend Sunday with music in the background at home or head out to church. I decided to go to worship with friends, rather than stay alone.

It is good to be missed by friends. A phone call came earlier in the week from someone who had been wondering where I'd been, asking if I was okay. One person seemed concerned whether or not I was still alive. It really hasn't been that long, perhaps a month since I was at this particular service. Storms kept me home one weekend, I was travelling on another, and for another I was simply too tired to make the drive safely.

Anyway - today, I ventured out. And before I could even get in the doorway, I was greeted by friends who came quickly to hug me. (I needed that!) Two had mentioned that I had been deeply on their hearts this week and that they had been praying. (I needed to hear that too).

Today was also a day for singing! The worship team is always an interesting mix. It usually starts out relatively organized, but it quickly changes to a free form that is sometimes very raw, and often quite organic. I like that ... today, in the quiet... a couple of friends and I started to sing a different song than the one from the front... and then everyone joined in... we 'hovered' there for several minutes... and then more worship, a couple of hours or so...

The lesson today was from John 8. Straight forward, and much of the scriptures were directly quoted. The service ended with corporate and individual prayer and many hugs.

Many of the regulars are still enjoying 'brunch' at a nearby diner. I decided to come home instead. I am grateful to see these friends again, but I'm very tired. And the regular household chores need to be done (trust me, it's really the minimum I can get by with). Dishes from last week are still sitting in the sink. I have some plants sitting in a glass on my counter that need to be planted... and of course, I need clean laundry for work.

It's just a 'regular' Sunday.

But it's been a great one.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Remembering Krakow


It's been a while since I last posted. I always have a lot that I could write and post in a space like this, but it's finding the time. Work is busy, and my life seems busier all the time, though I also doing less and less it seems. But I did manage to take a special trip this year, and my heart continues to process the many images, ideas and sounds I heard, as I made an unanticipated pilgrimage to Krakow.

My travels often take me to new places, both physically and spiritually. I'm deeply thankful to have walked the roads I've stumbled along this year.

In May, I visited friends in the Czech Republic. They are precious people serving God in an adopted home. I am honoured to have been invited into their day-to-day living, and see anew how they have stepped into their calling. (I hope to post more on that another time).

But that journey to dream with some friends... led me 'home' in many ways as well. My roots are from Poland. I was able to connect with a distant cousin and attended mass in a beautiful part of old town Krakow. My heart will never be the same.

I was home...

With people I never knew and will never know. With words spoken in a language that I don't know, but sound too familiar... there were many moments in the mass that I found myself responding, not in English, but whispering in unison with those in attendance.

I've dismissed that as simply the power of unity in prayer... of somehow picking up on the rhythm and heart of those I worshipping with. But something, deep within my spirit... whispered to me in those moments as well... a quiet knowing, that I didn't know what I was saying, but at the same time... I did.

I wondered later if I simply remembered the words from the earliest days of my childhood...attending mass with my mom, before we were able to attend Sunday school.


What I know, is that for a moment, I loved the city and its people. And I was changed.

I am changed every time I encounter Jesus (as it should be).

And, I absolutely love it when those moments happen in church! More and more, I'm being drawn to witness the beauty in old parishes... and I love to see those who continue to gather in deep respect and humble prayer towards our Lord.

That day in Krakow, I saw many beautiful people attending mass. It was a first confirmation for many -- little girls dressed in white gowns...boys all clean cut... even the ones with tussled hair and families scrambling to get a seat before the priests came to the main altar....

The city was alive! Yes there were tourists everywhere, and the crowds of folks just getting to and from the shopping areas, and students milling about between university classes....but I saw, thanks to a new friend... so many people offering themselves, and receiving the Host. It brought me such joy to see that.

There were dozens of churches within walking distance of the main square. I must have walked into six or seven of them while mass was being offered. Ornate cathedrals, even the 'little' side churches along the way.... some full, some nearly empty, but in all of them I found souls who were humble before Christ.

I needed to see that. I know the reports are that the church in Poland is in decline, but I didn't notice. What I saw were the faithful, gathering and praying. Kneeling. Confessing. Singing. Worshipping....with trembling lips, and bowed hearts. It was beautiful.

Each day of that trip was a blessing. Each day, was full of beautiful people - some closely walking with and loving Jesus.... some still searching...others fully caught up in their own way of life. It was glorious and beautiful. And a reminder that 'home' is not always where I expect it to be.

I haven't managed to sort through pictures yet. In time perhaps. But here is an image of something that made me smile. I love the story... and the day I was there was sunny like in this video... and the bird chased around the spires for hours...