Sunday, June 22, 2008

Getting Started


Where to start....always the most difficult step is just to begin.

Thoughts over the past few weeks and conversations have led me through many deep places. My heart is one that is just learning to flow with words. So, this seemed like as good a space as any to capture some of those ideas and share them with those who are open to prayer.

But not all prayer is the same.

If you know me, you will know quickly that I love Jesus. He is my saviour, my Lord, and friend.

What you will find on these pages, expresses my heart in that context...for it is only through Christ that my heart holds any promise at all. Only Jesus. Always Jesus. Everyday Jesus.

I have travelled a bit and I love being in many different nations. Spiritual matters and expressions wherever I go, I find very interesting. But I hope always to be clear about whom it is that I serve, no matter where I may travel or what I may learn in the process.

So with that... let the blog begin. Amen?


Lisa said...

hooray for a beginning! much love!

Natalie said...

Beautiful. I look forward to what is to come....

Jenna said...

Amen. :)

Unknown said...

wow, i can't believe this. this is a big deal for you. this is amazing. i can't wait to read on and watch you open up, like your tulips. this will be so good, so ... i am speechless, but amen indeed.