Saturday, April 28, 2012

Interesting to see how quickly time passes.   In November of 2010, I went to Israel - and my life changed.  It was incredible. I had some plans for my life for when I got home but God met me there, and interrupted everything.


It's been hard to imagine how quickly the days have gone since then.  

I'm exploring life, and enjoying the journey.   There are moments that I think back to the plans that I had and wonder if I should have just kept on that path but I wouldn't trade certain moments of this last year for anything either.

Each of us gets to make choices for our lives and those choices have consequences.  People join us for a season, and then leave us as well.   Friendships are treasured.  But friends too, decide who they want you to be .... and sometimes, you are just not what they want, and they put pressure on you to change or move on.

And that's okay too.

I'm just going to be me, and I'm enjoying that immensely.

Since then, I've been to India and had my eyes opened to yet another part of the world.   Beautiful people, in a crazy hot climat, and so much to see and do...

The world is a beautiful place, endless possibilities...

But home is best.

It's nice to be known and loved for who I really am.  I'm thankful for my friends and family.   For those who stumble upon this blog again, I wish you peace, love, joy, and hope.   May you find your own happiness.

Shalom :)

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