Thursday, September 25, 2008


It's hard to think when you gasp for air. Not if certain you know what that is like, but it isn't fun. It's something I've struggled with for many years.

I used to get quite worried when I would have trouble breathing, so sometimes the inability to think clearly is a blessing when I have those troubles now. I don't worry. I don't even try to really think. At best, I just focus on what little air gets into my lungs and marvel at how the body turns oxygen into a life and through our blood stream.

Many days, breathing is a conscious effort for me. Yesterday however, with the change in season it seems, I surprised myself because I realized I wasn't having to think about it. Something had changed at one point during the day and I could just good.

I don't want to take gifts for granted...but it is truly a blessing not to have to think about such a simple task. It really frees up the mind (and body) to focus on other things.

Hoping for more of the same today.

Isa. 49.9-13

1 comment:

Lisa said...

mmm... glad for this... and yes, praying with you for more of the same.